Saturday, October 11, 2008

Gweneth's Hampton Home

Gweneth Paltrow is the quintessence of complete Hollywood glamour. Undoubtedly, it is her exclusivity and poise that allows her to navigate a life consumed by fame and celebrity with such beguiling ease. Not only does she prove to the world that the feat of keeping her head above the press' malicious water can be a graceful and possible task, but she amazes and awes regardless of scenario or company. This perhaps, is a product of a level head upon her shoulders and a purposeful decision to remove herself from the limelight when not shooting a film. Gweneth's reluctance to live among the flashbulbs makes her presence all the more in demand.

Surprisingly however, Mrs. Chris Martin opened her home in the Hamptons to House & Garden Magazine (their final issue before the late great magazine folded). Proving to be no exception to her long standing pristine reputation, the home that H&G reveals, possesses the same inherent grace and good taste of the woman who lives there.

Take a peek.

[Sitting Room]

[Color conscience]

[Redefining a classic: Snaking Hallways and Chandeliers]

[Apple's Room]

[Master Bedroom]

[Gweneth's Yoga Studio]

[Lady in Red]

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